A Bubble in My Brain ...
Last week I shared the outcome of my one and only contact with my biological father. If you asked me now to describe precisely my...

The Watch That Does Me No Good ...
That's what Kevin called the monitor that was on his wrist. The monitor had the physical shape of a watch, but there was no face, no...

The silence had to be bearable ...
because there was no choice. As I sat by my son's bedside, holding his hand, I spoke to him knowing he could not respond. He was in a...

My #1 Secret to Starting the Day Upbeat ...
And staying happy all day, despite what life throws at me, is my snooze dream time. When I hit the snooze button (usually several...

Something Really Small Changed My Life ...
We moved from San Jose to Truckee, California in 1996 in order to be closer to the ski hill. Our modest law practice was such that we...

I'm the Luckiest Girl in the World ...
And I don’t know why. Perhaps I need to change the name of my blog from “How to Life” to something like “I’m Amazed I Got Here Alive and...